About Testlink :
- TestLink is web based tool under the GPL license (free to use)
- Collect and organize your test cases dynamically
- Track results and metrics associated with test execution
- Capture and report details to assist you in conducting a more thorough testing process
- Customize TestLink to fit your requirements and processes. You are not tied down by any proprietal solution.
- Take advantage of experience gained from hundreds of implementations completed for
customers around the world
- TestLink directly cooperates with Bug Tracking systems: (Bugzilla , Mantis, Jira, TrackPlus,Eventum, Trac, Seapine, Redmine
First download and install from this link
Extract the testlink zip file to c:\wamp\testlink
Extract the testlink zip file to c:\wamp\testlink
- Give database name as mysql and host as localhost.
- Give the meaningful database name as testlink.
- Provide admin and admin as testlink's username and password.
- Click on setup test Link.
- Now you are ready to use the testLink.